Seeking help

Urinary incontinence most commonly occurs during physical activities (stress leakage) or in association with urgency and frequency (urge incontinence/overactive bladder). In some cases different types of leakage can be present (mixed incontinence).

However, no matter how old you are and no matter how long you have already been suffering, most cases of urinary incontinence can be cured or at least improved.

Urinary leakage is not life threatening, but for those men and women suffering from incontinence, the condition can take over their life. Embarrassment should not prevent you from seeking professional help.

Speak to your GP or arrange a consultation in my clinic. Examination and some simple tests will establish the cause of the urinary leakage and open the door for a successful treatment that will put you back in control of your bladder.

...often not talked about

Uncomfortable, a nuisance and often very embarrassing: urinary incontinence has a severe impact on quality of life: it results in withdrawal from many physical and social activities, loss of self-esteem and depression. Not surprisingly, many people find it difficult to talk about their problems.

As a result, thousands of men and women are suffering in silence. Many think it is something they just have to put up with, often considering it to be simply part of everyday life, or part of the natural ageing process.

A common problem...

Urinary incontinence is far more than just an inconvenience, - it is a medical condition characterised by lack of bladder control that leads to uncontrolled leakage. It is a condition that affects men and women of all age groups. It becomes more common as we are getting older. 

We currently estimate that about 40% of all women in the UK will develop urinary incontinence at some stage in their life. One in four men will experience the same.

With an increasingly ageing population the problem is likely to get worse in future.

Urinary incontinence